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劉國松.Liu Kuo-Sung

劉國松 Liu Kuo-Sung




劉國松 LIU kuo-sung (1932-) 






Liu Kuo-Sung, ancestral home in Shandong, entered the Department of Fine Arts in Normal University after he came to Taiwan with the government in 1949. He began to learn oil painting, and then learned ink painting. He established Fifth Moon Group in 1957 with art lovers, introducing the thoughts of contemporary ink painting, reflecting on the ills of traditional ink painting, and beginning an experiment with contemporary ink painting. He took the responsibility of establishing a new tradition of Chinese painting.

Liu Kuo-Sung sets an example. He not only attempts at contemporary ink painting many times, but also challenge traditional ink authority with sharp pens, and proposed that “Seek out the differences first, then seek better”. His important propositions are “Get rid of the important role.” and” Get rid of the brush.”, attacking the traditional ink painting at that time. With his efforts, he discards the ancient concept that ink and brush must be used, combines with western collage techniques, and makes famous works such as space series, wild grass and landscapes shaking the international art scene. In order to make the concept of contemporary ink painting to take root, Liu Kuo-Sung began teaching contemporary ink painting courses at the Chinese University of Hong Kong in the 1970s. After the 1980s, his idea even influenced China and gradually became the world ’s mainstream.

Based on his love for ink art, Liu Kuo-Sung not only found new possibilities from classical techniques, but also found new creative methods from experiments on different media. “Paper grain technique”, “ink imprint technique”, “water print technique” , ”steeped-ink and color technique”, and other different techniques, making Liu Kuo-Sung's work rich and diverse. “Paper grain technique” is tearing the paper strips, leaving white lines in the original ink color to become a powerful line; “Ink imprint technique” is transfer printing of different papers to create different shades, which have natural and ink-colored texture; “Water print technique” is the process of dissolving effect of different liquids such as water, ink, and oil to make the paper naturally show zigzag lines and irregular color; “Steeped-ink and color technique” is the embossing of two tracing papers. The permeable tracing paper allows water, ink, and color to blend and change, and presents the natural and clear scenery of Jiuzhaigou, which is his most important technical invention in recent years. Liu Kuo-Sung once said, "Chinese painting has not invented any techniques since the Song Dynasty. I have invented four different techniques. These are some new techniques invented by my experiments." These four techniques are a testament of Liu Kuo-Sung’s determination and perseverance to promote contemporary ink painting.


簡歷 Biography

1932  出生於安徽蚌埠,原籍山東青州。
1956  在廖繼春老師的鼓勵下成立「五月畫會」。
1963  發明粗筋棉紙-劉國松紙,並藉此創造出自我獨特畫風。
1966 經李鑄晉推薦,獲美國洛克斐勒三世基金會(The JDR 3rd Foundation)兩年環球旅行獎。
1968  當選台灣「十大傑出青年」。 發展成立台灣「中國水墨畫學會」,繼續鼓吹中國畫之現代化。
1972  出任香港中文大學藝術系主任,首創「現代水墨畫課程」。
1974  發表〈談繪畫的技巧〉一文,提出「革中鋒的命、格筆的命」之理論,引發大規模的討論。
1977  當選英國國際聯八位畫家的亞洲區代表,前往加拿大參加「國聯版畫代表作」之創作。
1981  應邀赴北京參加北京中國畫研究院之成立大會並參展。名列美國出版《世界名人錄》。
1984  北京人民美術出版社出《劉國松畫輯》。
1985  首次應法國「五月沙龍」之邀,作品《沉入山的呼吸裡》於巴黎大皇宮展出。
1991  獲李仲生現代繪畫文教基金會「現代繪畫成就獎」。
2000  應邀赴西藏大學講學,並前往珠穆朗瑪峰,出藏後左耳失聰。
2008  獲第十二屆國家文藝獎。
2010  作品《日月浮沉》為大英博物館收藏。
2013  山東省博物館成立,專設「劉國松現代水墨藝術館」並永久陳列。
2014  舉辦東南亞巡迴展,首站於台灣歷史博物館展出。
2016  當選美國文理科學院院士。
2017  香港水墨藝博會推出「向劉國松致敬」專題展覽及學術講座。 
2020 「奔‧月」劉國松 - 高雄市立美術館。
2023  「劉國松:實驗悟道」於新加坡國家美術館展出。


藝評 Critics

得之自然  ─  劉國松現代水墨畫美學初探  文/李君毅
劉國松水墨畫中顔色的突破  文/鍾妙芬
劉國松現代水墨的在地認同  文/李振明



[ 2016.10 ] 全球華人畫家第一人 臺水墨畫家劉國松獲頒美國文理科學院院士榮銜 文/文化部
[ 2016.04 ] 劉國松用水墨描繪蒼穹之韻 文/京華網
[ 2015.06 ] 劉國松畫作飆新高 五月、東方跟著衝 華人藝術市場新指標 藏家追捧 文/財訊雙週刊
[ 2015.03 ] 劉國松印尼開展 顛覆水墨創新境 文/中央社
[ 2015.01 ] 當代水墨畫之父劉國松星國開展 文/中央社
[ 2014.11 ] 《文人政事》第405集 劉國松續革毛筆的命 東方媒材創現代技法 文/宏觀電視台
[ 2014.10 ] 劉國松的毛筆革命 巡迴亞洲 文/中時電子報
[ 2014.01 ] 劉國松市場  6年翻6倍 文/典藏投資


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